Putting It All Together

You’ve taken a very close, and deep look at your life reader – congratulations!  You’ve decided exactly what you want your life to look like in every important area.  Now it’s time to combine all those separate areas of your life into 1 extraordinary life of complete abundance. 

Go back now, and take all your Visions for each blueprint and consolidate them on the form you can download here.  As you go over each Vision, I want you to imagine that 100% of them have become reality for you.  What does your life look like reader?  Use all your senses here. 

I especially like to record this part of my Abundance Blueprint, and listen to it as a guided meditation for myself so I can get in touch with my ideal future life.  Though, it doesn’t have to be a meditation either, you can listen to it while you’re doing other things – exercising or cleaning dishes – it doesn’t really matter as long as you can think about your Visions.  Remember …

Thoughts Become Things!

Simply get into a relaxed positive mood and really Visualize everything you want in each blueprint has manifested itself.  You may even wind up fine tuning some of your Visions.

It’s a year in the future, how does your new Financial Life feel?  Financial abundance came much easier then you thought, didn’t it?  What have you done with your new found wealth?  Who has benefited from it?  How much money do you have saved up?  What kinds of new experiences can you afford?  Where are you living?  Are you in your dream home – what does it like, feel like, smell like, sound like?  Be very specific.

You’re feeling much better and healthier now that your Health & Fitness Visions have become a reality.  The added strength and vitality has made many things so much easier for you to accomplish.   Your in the best shape of your life, and it shows.

You’ve made tremendous strides in your Personal Growth & Development.  You’re much smarter now, and that has increased your ability to attract Financial abundance.  Are you reading more?  How are using the new skills you’ve learned?  The amazing success has caused you to want to accomplish even more, and keep learning new things.

All your desired Character traits have become regular habits for you.  People love to be around you.  You’re very proud of the person you’ve become.  How do you spend your days?  How do you treat others?

With your emotions under control, you’ve let go of so many negative feelings.  What negative motions have you let go of, and what have you replaced them with?  How have these improvement affected your Relationship, your Career, your Family Life?

What special things have you done to take your Love Relationship to a new level?  What kind of experiences do you share?  How much time do you spend together?  What do you do to let them know you love them?

What does your Family Life look like?  Who do you spend time with?  If you have kids, how have they grown both physically and mentally?  What are your Family relationships like?  What kind of fun experiences, and memories are you creating.  What kind of special occasions are you enjoying?

You have great friends that really uplift you.  What kind of Social gatherings are you experiencing?  Who’s there?  What new memories are you making with your friends?  What do you talk about?

You’ve gotten in touch with your Spirituality, and have a clear purpose for yourself.  What kinds of things do you do to continue your Spiritual growth?  How do you feel connected? 

You’ve become very good at your job, and it shows.  You’ve taken your Business or Career to a whole new level.  Where are you working?  How much money are you making?  What does your ideal Business or Career look like?  What’s your perfect day look like?  How are you contributing to others?  What are you doing on a continuous bases to keep improving, and adding value to yourself.

All these improvements have created your ideal Abundant Lifestyle.  Have you added new hobbies to your life?  Are you traveling more?  How are you sharing your Abundance with others?

reader – look at your Visions as often as you can to keep them in the forefront of your mind.  It’s the law of attraction working for you.  Again, thoughts become things, and what you think about will become your reality.  This is your life, and as you go after it little by little, those small gains will start to pull you until you manifest your ideal life.  It’s a beautiful, fun process so enjoy it!